The Captive

Wet flurries drift downward

commanded by the pull

of unyielding earth


the lacy flakes can go no farther.

In quiet submission

snowfall blankets each backyard

painting the world a wintry white.

Giggles break the silence.

The spotless snow…

trampled and squeezed,

rolled into a boulder—commissioned to support a body

pierced with two sticks

each limb raised skyward to flag down help.

Nearing completion, the frozen man

tries to ‘keep his head’ in this desperate situation.

There, above the false smile and carrot nose,

two pleading eyes

look for the sun’s redemption

and the day when all things become new.

Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading my blog this year. I wish you all a happy and healthy 2021. A new year when we finally escape the captivity of the Coronavirus pandemic. In many ways, I am like the snowman in this poem. Held captive by forces beyond my control. I look to Jesus for redemption and the day when we will all be free.

The Business Side of Writing

Perseverance is the theme of 2020

I’ve met many people who write. Some have unfinished projects hidden away in the closets of their mind. When they speak about writing, they tilt their heads to one side with an expression of longing. Then they usually let out a sigh, snap out of their fantasy, and don’t elaborate much. I always wonder what made them give up on their dream. Did the pursuit of publication seem too difficult?

Writing demands bold perseverance. In order to succeed you must finish your manuscript. The next step is convincing an editor your book should be published. Once your book is released, the glory of being an “author” slowly diminishes. Now you begin the hard work of eternal marketing. As long as your book is print, you’re married to it. It’s a “till death do we part” kind of relationship.

Most writers are not salespersons. Once I heard something from a seasoned author. “If you don’t promote your book, no one else will.” His words stuck with me and have prompted me to strike up conversations about my work with strangers. Anytime Buddy (my beagle) is with me these conversations become easier. Whenever we take a walk folks ask me about his red boots. (The best thing about being an author is being an author who writes stories about her dog.)

Buddy and I love meeting people. For the past ten months all of our public appearances were cancelled due to the pandemic. Until now.

I’m excited to announce I will be selling and signing copies of Buddy the Beagle on Blueberry Street and my latest release, Return to Blueberry Street at the Conway Community Market.

Location: Conway United Methodist Church 3401 South Conway Road Orlando FL 32812

The outdoor market will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Come out and meet us! And if you wonder who I am under my face mask, you can take a look at my headshot on the back cover of my books.

“A book that can be enjoyed by all ages, this story is filled with life lessons, character tests, and love.”—Amazon reviewer

“Buddy engages readers on a new adventure, while teaching many of life’s important lessons. A great complement to any classroom.”—Amazon reviewer

* If you do not live in the Orlando area, or are unable to attend our book signing, click here to purchase.

Dear Reader, I leave you with this quote…

“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”
― Sylvia Plath